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The kubectl cp command allows copying files between containers and the user machine. To copy files from a container, Kubernetes creates a tar inside the container, copies it over the network, and kubectl unpacks it on the user’s machine. If the tar binary in the container is malicious, it could run any code and output unexpected, malicious results. An attacker could use this to write files to any path on the user’s machine when kubectl cp is called, limited only by the system permissions of the local user. The untar function can both create and follow symbolic links. The issue is resolved in kubectl v1.11.9, v1.12.7, v1.13.5, and v1.14.0.
Reserved 2019-04-01 | Published 2019-04-01 | Updated 2024-09-16 | Assigner dwfData Handling
Ariel Zelivansky of Twistlock
www.securityfocus.com/bid/107652 (107652)
access.redhat.com/errata/RHBA-2019:0620 (RHBA-2019:0620)
access.redhat.com/errata/RHBA-2019:0619 (RHBA-2019:0619)
access.redhat.com/errata/RHBA-2019:0636 (RHBA-2019:0636)
lists.fedoraproject.org/...BPV2RE5RMOGUVP5WJMXKQJZUBBLAFZPZ/ (FEDORA-2019-bf800b1c04)
www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2019/06/21/1 ([oss-security] 20190620 [ANNOUNCE] Incomplete fixes for CVE-2019-1002101, kubectl cp potential directory traversal - CVE-2019-11246)
www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2019/08/05/5 ([oss-security] 20190805 Kubernetes v1.13.9, v1.14.5, v1.15.2 released to address CVE-2019-11247, CVE-2019-11249)
lists.fedoraproject.org/...QZB7E3DOZ5WDG46XAIU6K32CXHXPXB2F/ (FEDORA-2019-2b8ef08c95)
nvd.nist.gov (CVE-2019-1002101)
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