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SAP HANA Extend Application Services (XS) does not encrypt transmissions for applications that enable form based authentication using SSL, which allows remote attackers to obtain credentials and other sensitive information by sniffing the network.
Reserved 2014-07-31 | Published 2014-07-31 | Updated 2024-10-21 | Assigner mitrewww.onapsis.com/resources/get.php?resid=adv_onapsis-2014-021
www.securityfocus.com/bid/68947 (68947)
www.securityfocus.com/archive/1/532940/100/0/threaded (20140729 [Onapsis Security Advisory 2014-021] SAP HANA XS Missing encryption in form-based authentication)
seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2014/Jul/149 (20140729 [Onapsis Security Advisory 2014-021] SAP HANA XS Missing encryption in form-based authentication)
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